Our bodies are meant to efficiently regulate our temperature, but something it can’t. We have the answer to the question, “why are my hands and feet always cold?”
When temperatures decrease, the body prioritizes your vital organs and aims to keep them warm. As a result, the blood flow to these organs increase while the circulation to the extremities decreases. This generally leads to cold hands and feet.
It’s also common for certain people to have colder hands and feet naturally. However, if you either live in colder climates or are constantly bothered by this condition, there are things you can do, depending on the cause.
Causes of Cold Hands and Feet
There are a variety of factors at play when it comes to cold hands and feet. However, the most important underlying factors to look out for are disease that cause poor circulation and nerve damage, as they may lead to more serious issues.
The following are some common health conditions that can affect the temperature in your extremities.
People with anemia have fewer functioning red blood cells than what is healthy and is usually a result of iron deficiency. Iron deficiencies decrease the amount of hemoglobin in your red blood cells. This leads to poor transportation of oxygen from the lungs to the body.
As a result, your extremities (like your fingers and toes) can feel cold. The best way to deal with it is by eating leafy greens and other iron-rich foods, as well as taking iron supplements.
However, first talk to your doctor about it so he can do a blood test that determines your iron levels or if it’s something else.
People with diabetes suffer from multiple conditions as a result of the disease. For example, poor circulation is a symptom of diabetes and can make your hands and feet feel cold.
Furthermore, diabetes can narrow the arteries and increase the risk of heart disease, leading to poor circulation and cold extremities.
Lastly, it can cause nerve damage (especially in feet) as a result of high blood sugar levels over time. If you have diabetes and constantly fee; “pins and needles” in your feet and hands, this may be the case.
You can get tested for diabetes. If you have it, keep your sugar levels as close to normal. Moreover, carefully check your feet for wounds if you have nerve damage, as you may not notice the injuries due to the nerve damage.
Other Causes
There are plenty of other disease and health conditions that can lead to cold extremities. Some of these include arterial disease, hypothyroidism, Raynaud’s Syndrome, vitamin B-12 deficiency, and any conditions that are a result from smoking.
In addition, factors such as age, family history, medications, anxiety, and chronic conditions may lead to cold hands and feet. One of the main causes of cold extremities is circulation, so help get your blood flow going by eating healthy, doing exercise, and taking circulation supplements.
For example, Circulation Boost is a supplement that can help improve blood flow by working within the arteries and increasing nitric oxide levels. Nitric oxide is a natural compound that dilates blood vessels and improves circulation.
In other words, Circulation Boost naturally enhances the way the body works so that you can experience better circulation, so it’s both safe and effective. Feeling cold hands and feet from time to time is normal, especially when it’s cold.
However, if you experience them all the time, even in warm climates, or your extremities change color and you feel pain, it’s time to see a doctor.