If you have circulation problems, should you wear compression socks? Learn about the pros and cons of this product.
One of the most popular treatments for tired and swelling legs is compression socks due to their ability to support healthy circulation. However, they are not necessarily for everyone, especially if you’re using them incorrectly. The following is an overview of compression socks, how they can help you, and any potential side effects.
Compression Socks Explained
Blood circulates throughout the body, delivering oxygen, nutrients, and more to your organs and where needed. However, since the blood in the veins has to work harder to return to the heart due to gravity, they’re likelier to weaken and become inefficient.
Fortunately, compression socks can help keep your leg circulation healthy by applying pressure to your ankles and calves. They give a gentle, continuous squeeze that supports your veins as they circulate blood back to the heart.
Furthermore, prescription socks are available for individuals with certain medical conditions and family histories. However, you can also buy them over-the-counter, which is helpful for those who sit or stand for extended periods of time and older people.
Compression Socks and their Risks
While compression socks are typically safe to wear, there are some caveats to keep in mind. For example, you shouldn’t use them if you have delicate or easily irritated skin. In addition, socks that are not worn properly and don’t fit well can also have some repercussions.
For instance, socks that are not properly fitted can actually prevent blood from circulating properly. They may also lead to cuts, scrapes, and bruises if you have dry skin or are in a climate with dry air.
When improperly fitted, compression socks can aggravate the skin and cause irritation and itching. They can also cause redness and temporary dents in the skin at the edge of the sock’s fabric.
To avoid this, make sure they are properly fitted by following your doctor’s recommendations. Healthcare providers can give you recommendations for wearing them and provide prescriptions for medical-grade prescription socks when necessary. Finally, keep in mind that most compression socks’ side effects are a result of not wearing them properly.
The Outlook
If you want to wear compression socks, it’s a good idea to talk to a healthcare professional and get the right fit for you. These products can provide a variety of health benefits – but only if you wear them properly.
In addition to compression socks, you can give your circulation and extra help by taking supplements like Circulation Boost. Its ingredients are effective at promoting circulation, blood pressure health, and overall heart health.
If you’re ready to give your health the support it deserves, then ask your doctor about compression socks and take Circulation Boost.