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Poor circulation is all too common, so how do you treat it? The following are some of the best poor circulation supplements and herbs.

There are various consequences from having poor circulation such as varicose and spider veins.

In addition, these consequences can sometimes make the original problem worse.

For example, poor blood flow can lead to vein problems, which in turn can lead to more blood flow issues.

The best way to go about it is to start poor circulation treatments as soon as you start experiencing problems.

Taking the necessary steps usually involve changing your habits and leading a healthy lifestyle.

Besides eating healthy and exercising regularly, you can take breaks from sitting around while working and even wearing compression socks.

If that’s not enough (or you want some extra help), you can take supplements for poor circulation.

Some of these supplements are entirely made of herbs and other combine key vitamins and minerals.

Consider the following herbs and supplements as you work on a plan to improve your circulation.

1. Parsley

Garnishing your meals with parsley will not only make them taste great – it will help boost your circulation.

Parsley is a popular ingredient in circulation supplements due to its ability to open up the blood vessels.

By doing so, blood can circulate more efficiently throughout the body.

Moreover, parsley is full of vitamin C, an essential vitamin in overall blood vessel health.

2. Cayenne Pepper

Not a stranger to health benefits, cayenne pepper has been used to treat toothaches and headaches for thousands of years.

Besides these maladies, cayenne pepper can improve circulation thanks to an ingredient called capsicum.

If you need to improve your blood flow quickly, cayenne pepper (or a supplement containing it) can help.

3. Ginkgo Biloba

In Germany, doctors have been known to use Ginkgo Biloba to help patients with circulation issues.

Besides blood flow, this herb is thought to help improve memory by improving circulation to the brain.

It may also help strengthen blood vessels and improve blood delivery to the heart.

poor circulation supplements4. Bee Pollen

A common supplement used to fight off colds and allergies is bee pollen supplement.

However, seasonal sickness is not the only thing bee pollen is good for; it can also help with circulation thanks to its rutin content.

Rutin is an antioxidant that helps strengthen blood vessels.

The antioxidant may even help prevent blood clots and prevent the hardening of arteries.

5. Cacao

If you like chocolate, you’ll be delighted to learn that studies show it can help improve circulation.

Cacao, the beans from which chocolate is made, can lead to a healthier circulatory system.

The reason? It has an antioxidant that promotes blood vessel production, leading to better blood flow.

It may even lead to healthier arteries and veins.

6. Hawthorn

Another common ingredient in supplements is Hawthorn.

This herb is known to improve heart health and circulation.

By strengthening the heart’s muscle health, it can improve the heart’s rhythm.

Other Supplements

Besides these natural herbs and supplement ingredients, there are various types of circulation supplements available.

However, you should always consult with your doctor before taking them, especially if you’re currently taking medications.

Sometimes, supplements can have negative interactions with medicines and adverse side effects which your doctor should know about.

The best way to go about it is to find a supplement that contains natural ingredients and is side-effect free, such as Circulation Boost.

Circulation Boost is full of key amino acids, vitamins and minerals that help promote circulation by dilating the blood vessels.

Through this process, it supports healthy blood flow throughout the body.

If you want an effective supplement full of natural ingredients, try Circulation Boost.